
The Belmont campus is graced by many beautiful historic buildings as well as densely populated newer buildings.  A fire in any of these structures can result in significant harm to people and to property.  This fire prevention policy is intended to protect persons from harm and Belmont University property from damage.  Even a small fire can have devastating effect on individual lives and/or the continued functioning of one or more Belmont offices/departments.  In order to prevent fires in work and/or break areas, the following regulations must be followed at all times. 


  1. Burning any material, regardless of whether an open flame (i.e. matches, candles) or smoldering material (i.e.incense) is prohibited.

  2. The use of space heaters, toasters and toaster ovens on campus is prohibited.

  3. Facilities Management Services employees are the only persons authorized to reset breakers.  Do not overload circuits.  If your office equipment is overloading the electrical system (signified by tripping the breaker), call Facilities Management Services for help in solving the problem.

  4. No items may be stored in mechanical and electrical rooms.

  5. Facilities Management Services must approve all office/building modifications prior to their initiation.  This includes electrical changes and lighting installation.

  6. Do not store or place items so that they obstruct doorways, hallways, stairwells, exits, or pathways.

  7. Do not continue to use malfunctioning or damaged electrical equipment.

  8. Do not place flammable materials on or around electrical equipment.

  9. Extension cords may not be placed where they will be stepped on or pinched in any way.

  10. Fire suppression sprinkler heads will be maintained with a 3 foot area free from obstruction in all directions at all times.
  • It is the responsibility of every Belmont University employee to comply with these regulations in order to prevent fires on campus.
  • It is the responsibility of supervisors, managers, and directors to enforce these regulations in their areas.
  • Failure to comply with this policy will result in disciplinary action per the discretion of the violator’s immediate supervisor.